
Our 50 for 50 campaign, which celebrates Acloché’s 50th year in business by giving back to the community with 50 Acts of Gratitude, continues on with our Lancaster team Paying It Forward!

Our team chose to put together small personal care bags consisting of vital personal hygiene items (toothbrushes, toothpaste, dental floss, socks, deodorant, and more) to donate to The Foundation Shelters located in Lancaster, Ohio. The Foundation Shelters is not a government funded organization—it runs solely on the generosity and kindness of others within the community.

The Foundation Shelters aims to address the most basic needs of the homeless population in the community, and is capable of housing 29 men, women, and children at any given time. The Foundation Shelters was extremely grateful for our donation and truly appreciate any and all donations that they may receive. As we were told, “People are homeless 365 days a year, not just at Christmas.” The Foundation Shelters is affiliated with another local organization, The Foundation Dinners, which serves 3 meals a day, 365 days a year to the homeless within the community. Our Lancaster team will also be donating their time to this organization in the coming months.

As always, we are proud of our Acloché team for finding such amazing organizations to give their time to. We are looking forward to learning about how our East branch will Pay It Forward in June!

Click here to learn more about our 50 for 50 campaign and to read about last week’s event, and check back next Friday for an update on our 50th anniversary celebration!


Acloché 50th Anniversary Logo