acloche updated covid-19 visitor policy


To do our part in preventing the spread of COVID-19 in our community and workplace, we have new requirements in place for all visitors and will restrict access to our facilities for anyone who may have recently been exposed to the virus.


  • Acloché may restrict the number of visitors in the office at any one time.  If we are at max capacity when you arrive, you will be asked to wait outside our office until someone leaves.
  • Visitors will not be permitted to bring friends or family into the office with them.
  • All visitors must have their temperature checked before entering the office.
  • All visitors must wear a mask or face covering at all times while in the office
  • All visitors must maintain 6’ of distance from others while in the office.
  • All visitors must answer the following screening questions before being admitted to the office.  In the last 14 days have you:
    • Experienced any of the following symptoms: fever (38 C or 100.4 F or higher), new or worsening cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, or runny nose?
    • Had close contact with anyone with a confirmed OR presumed case of COVID-19?
    • Returned from travel outside the country, been on a cruise, or traveled by airplane?
    • Had close contact with anyone that has traveled outside the country?


Visitors who answer yes to any of the screening questions, or those who are unable or unwilling to comply with all of the visitor requirements, will not be permitted to enter our offices.  We recommend that visitors call first and we will provide assistance via phone or email whenever possible.


We appreciate your understanding and cooperation!