
Since the day Acloché opened its doors over 50 years ago, we have been dedicated to the growth of the professional. Connecting people to complementary teams is our fascination, challenge, and joy. Helping solve the most essential decisions in any career, we are grateful to fulfill such a fundamental need—in a fun, personal, and professional way.

This week, as part of our 50 for 50 campaign, we held special Flag Day themed recruiting events at all of our Central Ohio locations, where anyone looking for work could drop in, enjoy refreshments, learn about our newest employment opportunities, and even walk away with a little American flag to celebrate the occasion.

While Flag Day commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States in 1777, all year long Acloché has been commemorating our 50th year in business by giving back to those who have supported us over the years. At Acloché, we have a passion for people, and we use that passion to help promote the growth of individuals and organizations in the local business community.

Acloché is constantly hiring for a huge variety of great positions—everything from clerical to warehouse to medical. Each week, all of our locations hold open interviews in office, as well as at special recruiting locations in the area. Every Monday, our hours and locations are posted on Facebook and Twitter, where you can quickly see where the Acloché recruitment team will be heading next, including any local job fairs. We are always looking to make new connections with job seekers in Central Ohio!

Click here to learn more about our 50 for 50 campaign and to read about last week’s event, and check back next Friday for an update on our 50th anniversary celebration!


Acloché 50th Anniversary Logo